
Friday, December 31, 2010

Jacque's new card and sweet stuff

I am always amazed with Jacque's creation...and its the same with this card...the most unbelievable thing is this card has 15 layers...imagine that. I actually still cant imagine it...I really would like to touch it and see how thick is the card!!!

As always, Jacque is giving out sweet stuff...go ahead to her blog and see the requirement to join!!!

Look at all the wonderful stuff Jacque is offering for this Sweet Stuff!!!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Deliciously Sweet Candy

...it really might give you toothache!!!
Why do I say so? Come and see for yourself!!

Kristy from Delicious Papercrafting is offering these 15 stamps in her blog candy...so don't miss out your chance to get your toothache!!!

p/s: I always think of the title of the entry and I didn't notice so coincidently her blog is called Delicious!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Puzzle of Life - Australia 2005 (continued)

The cover of the book...for this project, I made everything by myself (not the papers of course). I made this hard cover from card boards, cut out the white basic pages, punch holes for each pages and the cover, etc...
I actually printed out the wordings for the first page on a rough piece of paper and cut out this colour paper based on the print out. The 'P' and 'L' is just stickers I bought and the puzzle piece behind it, I cut out from foam sheets. They are actually matching piece (ie. the L puzzle can actually link to the P) but you cant do that since I glued it in place. These pieces is to match the theme for this little scrapbook

The first page I made...and I am satisfied with it. At the side, I use the snowflake punch to punch out half of the snowflake and used the cutout to complete the whole snowflake. It was a little empty so I use another blue snowflake to stick it around.
We took this picture the first time we went snow mountain...and that little snowman is the creation of both of us. Its a little small but our hand numb from trying to make it as round as possible...and its our first time so I consider it not bad at all (not sure about you though^^).

I know both of us is a little too old for stuff toys but I guess sharing the same birthdate even though different year has made us similar in many ways...and the love for stuff toys is one of it. This is her collection by the way...
I cut out a bear outline rather than the detail bear I usually do and I used both the positive and negative sides for this page.

Eat, eat, eat!!! We do enjoy food...though not too often due to the cost. I used a cherry stamp that I got years ago (toys for little kids...rather than professional stamp) and stamp on a strip of paper to deco the top. The teapot at the bottom corner is from the same set of stamp. Notice that there is a clock on the body of the teapot? My classmate used to say that it represents tea time...and I totally agree with her!!!

I don't really like this page as it is very plain and empty. The only highlight in this page is the paper bag. It is actually a real paper bag that I made. You can put things inside...if you can put thigns inside if you can find things small enough. I think some smallest coins like 5 cents or 10 cents and even paper clips can fit in.

Our visit to Melbourne Aquarium...we have a buy 1 free 1 voucher so we decided to use it...and its worth it since we got additional discount for being a student at that time!!!I like to see the jelly fish there!!! but I don't know how to do anything related to jelly fish so I decided to use what I do best...the round fishes. Have been using this fish for many times and occassions since its simple, easy to make and cute. I drew 3 bubbles for each fishes...sort of like human letting out breath in water.

The word 'FRIENDS' are actually from recycled paper...I first sketch out the words on rough papers then I go and look fro flyers around my university. They used to have brochures and flyers around the uni in different colours and since I did not buy any colour papers when I was studying there, it was the next best thing I can get!!! I usually use the sides since no wordings are printed there or the back if it was printed on one side only.
Then I used facial cotton to make the snow man.
We have some pictures taken with groups of friends...her housemates, my housemates and our friends. Since all these pictures are taken indifferent occasion, I'll have to come out with different theme if I were to put it out one by one and I am not sure if my mini scrapbook can hold so many pages so i put all the pictures together and held it using an eyelet at the corner. The deco of the page is just due to the santa we took picture with on the first picture.

Back then, we don't have a car (I still don't ^^) so we travel a lot by public transport and we love to travel even though not far...just somewhere the train can bring us.
Every season, there will be this guide book being printed for tourists. They include places to visit, voucher at the back and some maps of the city, train, etc...I usually use their train map is it is compact and easy to bring around.
This page I used a tracing paper to trace out the map of train lines...with colour pencils (since different zones are differentiated with different colour) and pen for the stations.
I cant use glue for this page as the tracing paper will crumple so I used eyelets to set the picture in place and also to attach the tracing paper to the back white page.

Our travel to seaside and also the zoo...If you just look at the two place it just doesn't look connected but our pictures looks like a match. Besides, both can be related...by my seahorse. It is actually a picture of horsea from pikachu. I use MS Word to draw outline for the picture and I cut out this piece of paper based on the outline. I just love seahorses

Summary of the mini scrapbook...

Double Lucky ^^

I am doubly lucky this month!!!

I found out that I won another giveaway...a stamp to be exact from Tickled Pink Stamps

I will be getting the stamp used on this card by Pink Lady Debbie...Isn't she adorable? And the cupcake she's holding, doesn't that reminds you of cupcake drizzles with hot chocolate and a cup of hot chocolate during winter?

Even though today is not the best day since things are not exactly smooth with my work but when I found out that I won this adorable little thing, I just couldn't stop smiling to myself. It really made my day...nothing could be better on this Christmas eve!!!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sweet Stuff

Jacque of Jacque's Joie de Vivre is constantly offering sweet stuff. Do visit her blog to join the fun.

The highlight of this sweet stuff is the Starlight Tilda...not just one but two Starlight Tildas (one in mini size).

Love the card she made from the same stamp. Her details does not just focus on the front of the card, inside of the card is also lovely as well. The way she done it, it looks more like a photo frame than a card!!!. Just go over to see the lovely card.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Really Reasonable Ribbon's Rambling

Really Reasonable Ribbon is having a Christmas Blog Candy giveaway.

Look at the ribbons collections...Its so colourful that you just can't wait to get your hands on ribbons and start working on it right away!!! Do check out their website for further details on how to enter their wonderful giveaway. They even host blog hop for fellow crafters. You might even get a chance to get your hand on some of their other giveaways.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Aren't these stamps gorgeous?

This are offered by Astrid as her Christmas and New Year blog candy. There are other things in the blog candy as well. Go to Astrid's Lille Stempelverden to see what is in it and join the fun!!!

Lucky ^^

My luck wasn't that bad after all...In fact I consider myself as very lucky. My first entry to blog candy (Yenni's first blog candy), has won. The first winner has not contacted her within the time frame thus Yenni runs another pick and my number was chosen!!! View Yenni's blog for updated anouncement.
This month is really full of ups and downs for me (hopefully more ups and downs ^^). Will not have time for craft anytime soon as I'll be busy packing my things and settle everything. I am moving!!! Due to work of course...But I still want to upload the content of my mini scrapbook that I've posted before. So I'll search for the pictures first...the pictures was taken quite a while ago so I forgot where I saved it.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Christmas Giveaways...by Tickled Pink Stamps

Tickled Pink Stamps is having stamp giveaways...and believe it or not...for 12 days!!!
Well, today is not the first day but its better late than never ^^. Visit Tickled Pink Stamps to know how you can stand a chance for this wonderful gift for this ChRiStMaS!!!

Just can't stop myself ^^

I just can't stop myself from doing this...another blog candy!!!

Go to Inklings for more details

This time its offered by Kylie from Inklings. All these blog candy really make me feel good in sharing...even if its just sharing what was offered to other crafters ^^

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Love these ^^

Guess what? Another blog candy...this is by Nana from natknat.blogspot.com

Click on Nana's blog to know more!!!

With this rate...I wont get my work done...I am just not in the mood to work and I kept looking for inspiration from fellow bloggers. I have to stop doing this...well at least until I finish my work!!!

I really have the urge to have a blog candy as well...I just need to start collecting things that I love in spare to give out. Looks like I've got shopping to do...but it will not be so soon since I am kind of busy at the moment. Maybe I'll set it as a to do list for next year...yes...that's what I'll do.

Bubbly Birthday Card

Finally found the picture of the card I posted earlier. This is the finished card...I didn't take one right after I finish it and it was done in a hurry therefore the inside has already been signed by some of us...
She is a very cheerful person therefore I added 'bubbly' for her...and it suits with the fishes as well!!! She went to laminate the card after that...she said so that she can keep it longer but the material I used is not really a card material so its a little too soft...the uncle that laminate for her say its not a card but she insisted that it was given to her as a card so it is a card for her...so cute of her...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cabio's Blog Candy

Yesterday my heart really ache...from the bad and good news that I get. I guess the bad news is just too great that I felt a sharp pain at my chest...but its ok...I'll get over it.

Anyway, I've been browsing the net the whole day today and I think I am familiar with the term blog candy already!!! And I've found this...

click HERE for more info

It is a blog candy by Cabio Tse of Cabio's Craft Corner giving out this candy in conjunction with Cabio's birthday...I saw that a lot of crafter's birthday is at the end of the year (ie. November and December)...such holiday mood!!!

Really hope that I can win something as I really need some cheering!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Blog candy???

I was looking around all the inspirational blog I know...since I am very stress from work. Finalising my third file in 2 weeks and have to finish my fourth by this weekend...sometimes I am just wondering if this job is killing me.

Then miraculously, I saw this...Yenni from Scrapcollector is having a give away...a blog candy...I guess I really have been living in my own world...not familiar with the term at all.

Anyway, here it is...

Click on Yenni's blog for the details ^^

I know...those who know me (even myself) will be wondering why in the world do I waste my time in participating...knowing that my bad luck won't win me anything. Come to think of it, I've tried my luck in a lot of occasion...but never did I win anything at all...not even candies.

But like I said, I am in stress...I always kills my time doing things I know doesn't really help in completing my task (ie. cleaning - I used to wipe my house phones and keyboard...each key mind you when I really need to be studying for my exam or even finishing up my projects/assignments).

So I was thinking to try my luck in this blog candy...the dateline, 10 December 2010 is also a very special day to me since my results will be coming out on the very same day...

At least one can hope right...maybe the luck will stand with me on this ^^

More cards....

Some of the cards I made a while ago...due to my job nature I thought I'll just make a few so that I can give it during some special occasion since its impossible for me to get any done during my peak period. The fishes one I actually gave it to my friend already...will try to find the pictures to upload.

For the fishes, I did what I am best in...make the fishes sort of 'puffy'. A method I discover years ago...

The other two is more simple, I just emboss it. I added an eyelet to set a punched flower in place.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Puzzle of Life - Australia 2005

This is the longest project I've ever worked on so far...it took me 5 years to complete it (*blush*). It was a very simple mini scrapbook...more like memories of my friend and I in Australia. I was very lucky to meet her there and I thought I'll make this little something for her to keep as memory. Actually, I've completed about 90++% before I even left Australia but I just couldn't put my mind to finish it and drag it for sooo long. I sort of made everything from scratch...even the cover (I used a normal A4 colour paper to wrap around a very very thick cardboard), cut out little white papers as the pages, plastic covers as protective sleeve for each page, shrink normal photos so that I've got lots of mini photos, etc... In the end, I've even tried to make my own rubber stamp (as seen in the second picture)...It is at the bottom of the box I made to keep the album in).
I've choosen the title as I really like to play puzzles...and it just occur to me that our life is really similar to a very very big puzzle...with no distinctive picture but it is made up of small little puzzles and no matter how good or bad the experience is, your life is not complete if any of those is missing. Besides, you might not be able to hold on to the moment for the rest of your life, you must keep in mind that everything you've been through is really important and it is what made you the way you are today.

'Thank you' card

Did this quite long ago...actually I've forgotten about it until I go through my pictures. My sis wanted to thank a friend of hers so I offered to make a card for her. Initially I wanted to make a telephone for the card but the time doesn't allow it so I use my embosser to make the spirals. I have to purposely go get the blue ink as I only have white one. So with my limited tools I manage to make this very very simple card!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pink elephant

Hehehe...finally...after 1 year only get to passed to Asha for her niece. The elephant was done quite long ago but I was just too lazy to sew the cloth for the back of the elephant. This is one of the most difficult sewing I ever done. I was afraid the ear will not be balanced thus I hand sewn it after I am done with the body...(broke several needles in the process^^)...I choose to sew the 'happy' eyes cos I think it looks cute in the paper fish that I used to do. I made this based on a key chain I received from my friend...most of my other key chain the elephant only have two legs...so I need to use some imagination to make this four legs elephant. Hopefully the little owner will like it!!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mom's Handphone Casing

My mom wanted me to make a handphone casing for her after I made mine. She liked my purple cloth a lot but there is not much left. I just bought a checkered cloth so I thought of mixing both the cloths. I sew 3 hearts on the cover just to hold the foam in place...then I made a pink heart from my previous project's cloth to hang. I used an extra big button as my mom doesn't want the magnetic button when I suggested it to her. My mom love it but my sis say the cloths' colours doesn't match each other. Anyway, its for my mom so as long as she love it then it doesn't matter much.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wooden Drawers

hmm...must practice my photography skills already. Anyway, I've got a piece of wood for very long already and was too lazy to make it to any use besides sometimes making it my table to do my things. Since I am free now I decided to make it into a little drawers. I only able to make a 2 tier as the wood is not that big and if I make a smaller size, I won't be able to keep anything useful in it. The space inside is about 10cm*10cm. I was thinking to get the kitchen drawers knob handle but I decided to try my carving knives and I made the little hearts and I think the size is ok so I just use that instead. This is my first time I tried to make things out of wood, besides during school time. It's more difficult to make as compared to mounting board but I guess I just have to hope that it last longer than the other projects that I've made ^^